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Letter from the 2025 President

Dear Virginia NATP Chapter Members,


I am honored for the opportunity to serve as the 2025 President of the Virginia National Association of Tax Professionals.  I have been preparing tax returns since 1977, working in New Jersey, Germany before moving to Virginia in 2005.  I have been a member of the Virginia Chapter of NATP for 19 years, served on the Chapter Board for 10 years and was the Chapter President in 2015.  As such, I believe I have a good understanding of the Chapter – where it stands and where it needs to go.


We need help to make the Virginia Chapter grow.  I encourage each of you to invite a friend to join our chapter, even if they do not prepare taxes.  I’m sure they will learn something and have fun meeting people and attending the various courses and auction at our annual conference.


I would like to see more members attending our annual conference.  This year, 2025 the conference will be in Richmond.  The Board is currently looking into possible venues and will share the outcome very soon.  We are considering having a meet and greet and our traditional charity auction the night before the conference.   Any suggestions and assistance regarding these functions will be greatly appreciated and we ask each member to bring an item or two to be auctioned. All proceeds will go to the charity which will be announced before the conference.


The plan is to have a minimum of four Newsletter this year, with this being the first!  I am asking members to submit tax issues to be posted in the Newsletters, along with any tax jokes, or anything else tax related.  This is a members Newsletter and the more participation we have, the better the outcome.


The Spring 2025 and Summer 2025 Newsletters will announce the classes being offered at our annual conference.  If you would like to have a particular class, please send me an email with details and it will be presented to the Board for consideration.


The Chapter has a website,, where you can find the names and contact information of the 2025 Board Members.  The goal is to expand the website with other suggestions from our members.  Additionally, a Facebook group is being created for members to post tax questions for feedback.


The Chapter is also considering having a Zoom meeting after tax season to discuss the various issues arising during this year’s tax season.  Furter information will be coming on the date and time.


Did you know as a NATP member there are many benefits at the National level such as research tools, current IRS issues, and continuing education.  I hope that our Chapter can augment those benefits with information unique to Virginia and provide a means of networking amongst our many professionals.  I value each of our members and I respect any questions and concerns you may have.  I look forward to interacting with all of you during the year and seeing you at our annual conference.



April Bittle-Kurzke


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